quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012


In this context, child labor programs integrated into national priorities and a broad based alliance building and social mobilization to create a synergy Important steps have been taken courage. For use in development planning child labor data collection, analysis and interpretation in terms of capacity area consisted of the acquisition of strengthening the other. With employers  and workers organizations property in close collaboration with the problem of child labor at the national level intensive advocacy and policy dialogue has been strengthened.
This mechanism ensures that only support child labor issues with the same only. Policies and programs and strategies, including child labor, showed functional groups acting.
Increased stability of the national number of joint programs and organizations to work together. Thus, child labor, child labor and the prevention of withdrawal of life has been developed for the rehabilitation of sustainable models. These models, child labor monitoring units and systems, social support units, routing and monitoring mechanisms, and family support programs. As a result, many children's confidence-inspiring, labor, education and the development of lifelong learning skills, gain freed, health and psycho-social status of Refined given.
A national capacity and knowledge on child labor issues and operational experience all of these efforts by the accumulation of time-bound and measurable goals shape the IPEC and its partners provided the perfect conditions to turn. National TBPPF national development and to build a strong coalition around a giant step has been the subject of international stakeholders.
Child labor is a human rights issue, socially and economically very important. According to estimates, 250 million children all over the world today, adequate education, health services and the lack of basic freedoms in working order. Your point of view is no doubt that children pay the bill, but poor countries, as well as pain. Child labor is an objective in its own end. For this to be done, but also will contribute to the economic and human development.
The ILO Minimum Age Convention, No. 138 in 1973, provides for the effective elimination of child labor. This Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention on the Elimination adopted in 1999 strengthened. This contract for the elimination of the worst forms of child labor immediately necessary to take urgent measures. Illegal use of children working in the worst forms of slavery and forced to work, danger, until the far-flung children's health, safety and business ethics to break.
Speed ​​and intensity unprecedented in terms of the global child labor, child labor, the movement of the target region, has become a lawsuit against the exploitation of public attention on the developing world.
This political boundaries, languages, cultures and spiritual traditions of the movement is excessive. Civil society (governments, employers, trade unions, civil society organizations and religious organizations) to come together all parties should be declared an end to the exploitation of children in the workplace.
According to the survey is a continuation of two surveys conducted in 1994 and 1999, the rate of decline of child labor, child labor continues.

Forms of Child Labour Targeted Include:
Street children, agriculture, small and medium-sized businesses, working children and heavy and dangerous work, family and children, paid off-nomadic and temporary workers. A large number of activity envisaged under the following headings: the current institutional structures, awareness-raising, social mobilization, training measures, to strengthen measures for the eradication of poverty, the expansion of social protection and social safety net, and monitoring and evaluation of the application of laws and regulations.
 Strategy, political will, adequate capacity at the local level, such as the successful implementation of the right information and cooperation depends on various factors such as the size and effectiveness. The worst forms of child labor in the family budget, social structures, employers, brokers, and other related conditions, and manufacturing sectors, prices, employment and exports, as well as to eliminate the effect of the economic consequences will be of great importance are taken into account.

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